In The News
Younger farmers are a growing portion of Farm Credit borrowers

Younger farmers borrowing from Farm Credit share 6 tips on what's important to grow next-gen businesses into the future. John Vogel | Jun 24, 2016 Farm Credit System’s celebration of 100 years brought a noteworthy focus on younger farmers. Traditionally thought of as a lending source for established farm and agribusiness enterprises, this spring’s Farm Credit 100 events in the nation’s capital underscored its growth as a financial and management resource for young, beginning and small-scale farmers and ranchers. The events, kicked off during National Ag Week, brought a lot of synergy and focus on younger farmers. “A lot of...
From Patriot Missiles to Honeybees: My Path to Farming in Michigan

From Patriot Missiles to Honeybees: My Path to Farming in Michigan by Adam Ingrao 6/21/2016 I am a fourth generation Army soldier. My great-grandfather served in WWI, grandfather served in WWII, father was Vietnam era, and I joined the Army in 2002 in direct response to the 9/11 attacks. Like my family before me, I knew I had a responsibility to serve my country in time of crisis and the moment I saw the first tower fall I was ready to give everything to ensure this horror never happened on our soil again. As a soldier, I served as Patriot...
Past Projects

Additional Community Projects and Stories: Veterans Vindication- August 21, 2018. Adam and Heroes to Hives. SARE- Final Report. Youth Service Corps: Addressing Food Access through Sustainable Food Systems Study & Community Service Projects. Stephanie Onderchanin, January 2017 The Tollgate Farm News- The Edible Connection. Speaker Lacey Ingrao, September 2016 Publication for Pleasure- The Bee Project. 2016